GeeklyHub Reviews 5 Tips On How To Study STEM Subjects Effectively

4 min readAug 31, 2023
GeeklyHub Reviews 5 Tips On How To Study STEM Subjects Effectively (pic from

STEM is gradually becoming a buzzword today, and most college students may wonder if it is worth the fuss. One thing that is certain is that tech and science jobs are gaining traction and people need to fill the vacuum that this creates.

From a press release published by CompTIA, U.S. companies in the technology sector experienced an increase in headcount through 5,348 jobs created in June 2023. While these statistics continue rising, college students must know how studying STEM subjects can prepare them for a better future say GeeklyHub Reviews experts.

GeeklyHub Reviews 5 Approaches and Study Tips for Learning STEM Subjects

The list of STEM study skills is exhaustive, but here are some of the significant fields and what to study for STEM:

  • Physics
  • Biochemistry
  • Mathematics
  • Computer science
  • Engineering

These learning approaches will focus on the five major subjects highlighted above.

1. Math Study Tips

For college students, mathematics usually entails algebra, calculus, and statistics. If there is something you need to know when studying mathematics, it is that “foundation matters.” Here are some tips on how you can effectively study Math as a STEM subject:

Regular Practice:

Research has shown that students who practice their courses for at least 1 hour daily have 50% retention than those who do not.

Understand visual aid when studying:

Math is rigged with visual aids, ranging from graphs to illustrations. To better understand the subject, consider what the graphical representations communicate.

2. Physics Study Tips

Physics is one of those subjects that deals more with what we interact with daily, and the best learning approach is to go for hands-on experience. You should consider the following study methods when taking physics as a STEM subject:

Collaborative learning:

Peer tutoring has always come in handy when studying subjects like Physics. By teaming up with fellow college students to discuss, you can improve your comprehension by a sizable factor.

Constant revisit:

Frequent revisits of the subject will keep you up to speed with any new developments in the long run.

3. Computer Science Study Tips

Computer science is a fascinating stem subject that has diverse study approaches. Your best bet as a college student will be to opt for a study approach that opens you up to daily challenges and problem-solving.

Problem-based study:

Experiment with real-world tech problems like how to troubleshoot. A recent Reddit investigation highlighted that 28% of colleges fall short in this category.

Coding practice:

Coding practice typically helps college students to develop proficiency in the subject. You can join a coding challenge or organize one with your colleagues.

4. Biochemistry Study Tips

Unlike other STEM subjects, Biochemistry is a science subject that requires a unique study approach.

Research-based study:

To effectively study Biochemistry, college students must embrace broad research in trending fields like Xenobiotics. Library resources will also come in handy in this case.

Learn from global events:

Keeping track of global health events is an excellent way to improve your learning process of Biochemistry as discoveries are made daily.

5. Engineering Study Tips

Like computer science, engineering requires a learning approach that offers hands-on experience.

Create small projects:

An online Reddit opinion poll revealed that about 75% of college students who break down their learning into mini-projects achieved more knowledge than those who did not.

Intern with experts:

Interning is an excellent way to notch up your learning process as a college student. You can be part of an engineering team, physically or virtually.

GeeklyHub Reviews Modern STEM Concept Vs. Traditional Learning

Traditional learning has often entailed teaching various subjects individually, which has often led to low comprehension among college students. STEM classes, however, integrate the education of students by correlating similar subjects. A good example is when an instructor teaches a mathematics subject using the design process for engineering.

Fig. 3, represents-No. of STEM college graduates, 21st century.

GeeklyHub Reviews STEM Concept Case Study: Singapore’s Educational System

The Singaporean education system highlights the importance of equipping college students with knowledge that will positively impact their future. The educational system in this part of the world reflects on programs that create room for integrated learning of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics subjects.

ALP (Applied Learning Programme) is a good example of this approach, as it allows students to venture into fields such as programming, robotics, and environmental science through practical learning. This advancement is domiciled in Asia and other advancing continents like Europe and North America. The Singapore educational system has identified the limitations of the traditional learning approach while introducing it.


Truly, STEM subjects offer a future-oriented approach to college students’ learning. This STEM study guide and other interdisciplinary approach enhances the mind and fosters key innovation that thrive in today’s technological economy. Moreover, our Geeks are true fans of STEM subjects — you can find lots of related videos on our YouTube channel — and they are always ready to give you a hand with it.

